Mini Beaker 10/6 Arms by Leisure

Original price was: $510.00.Current price is: $420.00.

Mini Beaker 10 arm tree perc with removable downstem that contains an extra 6 arms. Really nice designs, this piece comes with classic pull-slide with a blown in screen, the way Leisure always does…….
Compact at 10″ x 4″, thick, high-end made by Leisure Glass delivering the style and function that thier Science rigs and flower pieces always have..the best!


Mini Beaker 10 arm tree perc with removable downstem that contains an extra 6 arms. Really nice designs, this piece comes with classic pull-slide with a blown in screen, the way Leisure always does…….
Compact at 10″ x 4″, thick, high-end made by Leisure Glass delivering the style and function that thier Science rigs and flower pieces always have..the best!